Simple, Straightforward Pricing

Pay Monthly
Pay Yearly (-25%)
Try out the platform for free!
Features include:
  • 10MB (~500 pdf pages) file uploads
  • 25 total questions
  • 3 flashcard sets
Most Popular
Unlock smarter learning today!
Features Included:
  • 500MB (~25,000 pdf pages) daily file uploads
  • 1000 daily questions
  • Unlimited flashcard sets
Create classes and give premium access to your students!
Features Include:
  • 15 active classes
  • 400 students per class
  • All students receive premium access to your classes

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! Use the upgrade/manage plan button to upgrade or downgrade.

  • Nope, just the monthly price!

  • If you upgraded and did not substantially use the site, we are happy to offer you a refund. Please email us at

  • You can purchase an annual plan to receive a ~30% discount! If you have circumstances that prevent you from upgrading, email us at, and we'd be happy to figure something out!

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